01454 868 610

Wheatfield Drive, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BS32 9DB

Wheatfield's Governing Body

What is a governor?

Every school is run by its Governing Body. Governors are a group of local people who have put themselves forward to take a role in the running of the school. Governors are different to volunteers in that they have statutory responsibilities to fulfil and are an integral part of the school's leadership. The role is unpaid and most governors find time for the role in addition to their own work and family responsibilities.

Governors do not need to be experts in education - it is a benefit to have people with other complimentary skills on the Governing Body. Governors are responsible for (among other things) agreeing certain school policies, setting and monitoring the school budget and supporting school leaders in securing positive outcomes for all children.

The Governing Body delegates the day-to-day running of the school to the headteacher who, in turn, delegates certain responsibilities to other senior leaders and staff. The headteacher and staff are therefore responsible for the operational side of the school with the Governing Body involved in strategic matters.

School governors are there to both support and challenge the school to be the very best it can for the sake of its pupils, families and community. We hope you find the information in this section useful and informative. 

Full Governing Body Meetings

Chair of Governors - Rachel Hynam  Clerk to the Governors - Thelma Maslen

The full Governing Body (FGB) meets each term (six times per academic year) to conduct its work. All meetings have a set agenda and the governors employ a clerk to issue paperwork and keep a clear record of discussions and decisions. 

During FGB meetings, governors will receive a report from the headteacher.

Contact the Governors

The governors can be contacted either via the school office or by emailing the clerk, Ms Thelma Maslen, at the address below.



Governors can download a monitoring form here (these should be completed after visits to the school and emailed to the clerk).