01454 868 610

Wheatfield Drive, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BS32 9DB

Contact Us

Feel free to talk to us, or contact us via our Arbor app or email

We would advise our parents to please contact the school through the Arbor app as this is regularly checked for correspondence.

Our administration team are always happy to help.  If you have any questions, please ask to speak to one of our administrators (Miss Tracy Matthews, Mrs Helen Hodges or Mrs Kate Jones) or our School Business Manager (Mrs Nicola Anstice).

Our Contact Details

Wheatfield Primary School
Wheatfield Drive
Bradley Stoke

South Gloucestershire
BS32 9DB


Headteacher - Mrs Wendy Carver

Chair of Governors - Miss Hynam


Telephone: 01454 868610 

Online: via ARBOR

E-mail: office@wheatfieldprimary.com
