01454 868 610

Wheatfield Drive, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BS32 9DB

Last update: 2025-02-28

Friends of Wheatfield Primary School PTA

Registered charity no. 1149714

Hello and welcome to all Wheatfield Primary School Families!

Why Do We Have a PTA?

We are very fortunate to have a PTA committee. 'The Friends' as they are known have raised thousands of pounds of which have been spent on improving equipment, resources and facilities in school. But we are about much more than just fundraising. We exist to also help provide closer links between home and school, and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially. All parents and members of our school can get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available. Get in touch and we can show you how.

Our Aims
We are a friendly and enthusiastic group of parents who meet regularly volunteering our time to enhance our children's primary school journey by fundraising, collaborating and creating community. We hold meetings termly.

Contact us
If you are interested in finding out more or supporting us you can find us around the school or contact us via email pta@wheatfieldprimary.com

Committee Members and Trustees 2024/25

Hayley Christopher-Lee - Co-Chair and Trustee

Kate Travis - Co-Chair

Nichola Durham- Vice Chair

James Cawley - Treasurer and Trustee

Ana Ruiz Fernandez - Secretary

Stef Frith - Committee Member

Fran Brown- Committee member

Laura Gould- Committee Member 

Miri Birch- Committee Member

Paul Hyatt- Trustee


How can you get involved?

You can give as much or as little time as you want, from behind the scenes to helping at events, to making cakes to buying them from one of our cake sales! But if you have some time to spare...

  • Volunteers
    We are always in need of volunteers. If you would like to help us please email us at pta@wheatfieldprimary.com or speak to one of us around the school. We need you and can't run events without you!  
    We have a volunteers WhatsApp group where when we need support we ask for help and if you can support us reply and we will contact you outside of the chat. If you are unable to help that time there is no pressure, come forward as and when you can. If you would like to join this WhatsApp group please email pta@wheatfieldprimary.com or speak to one of us or ask your class rep to forward your details to the Friends.    
  • Become a Friends Committee Member
    If you think you might be able to donate more of your time than a volunteer, come and join the committee! Committee members are voted in at the start of every school year at our AGM (annual general meeting) each October. Email us at pta@wheatfieldprimary.com for more information.

The Friends Newsletter - Winter 2023

Thank you!

Every ice cream, tuck shop, raffle, disco, Christmas item you've purchased, every pre-loved logoed uniform you have donated or brought, sponsoring your child at the fun run, donating to our book sale, volunteering your time...the list goes on!  All of this allows us to fund projects and school initiatives to enhance and enrich our children's primary school adventure. 

Pre-loved School Uniform

You can donate good condition logoed uniform in the brown wheelie bin at the front of the school. These items will be sold on at the end of term or at Wheatfest to help fundraise for the school. 


Clothes Recycling Bank

Feel free to drop any of your unwanted clothes items in the green and white container at the front of the school. See what is accepted in the picture below. Every time the green container is emptied we raise money for the school. 


Recycle your Ink Cartridges

Used cartridges (without any packaging) or new / unused cartridges (in original packaging) in the small collection bin next to the green clothes recycling container.  When we have enough we will send them away and receive a donation in return. 


Shop online and help raise money

Every time you shop online, you’ll raise a free donation for Friends Of Wheatfield Primary School for FREE! It’s that easy! Find out more: www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/wheatfieldprimary

Fundraise while buying name labels

Easy2Name sells stick-on name labels, shoe labels, transfers and bag tags. You can use Easy2Name labels on just about anything! Go online to order from www.easy2name.com and the school will earn 20% commission! Visit their website to see the huge range of products on offer and don’t forget to either quote WHEATFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL (BS32) or select from the drop down box.

You can make a donation!

'The Friends' are a registered charity and we have a dedicated fundraising page set up with Just Giving.

If you'd like to do a charity run, swim, bake (or do anything else to raise some money), click the button below to get started. We are a registered charity (number 1149714). 

Find our fundraising page here: www.justgiving.com/friendsofwheatfieldprimary