Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Wheatfield Primary we are committed to providing an appropriate and high quality education for all the children who attend our school. We believe that every one of our pupils, including those identified as having special educational needs, is entitled to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them.
We work hard to remove any barriers to learning which our children may experience. Our Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion (and SENDCo), Mrs Roberts, works 4 days per week (Monday to Thursday) to assist staff in identifying children who have any additional needs and to plan appropriate programmes of support, so that we can offer teaching and learning contexts which enable every child to have full access to all elements of the school curriculum.
We work with many different agencies outside school to help us meet the additional needs of some of our children and to support their families.
SEND Contacts
Our SENCo & Inclusion Leader is:
Mrs Imogen Roberts
Our Parent and Family Welfare Leader is:
Mrs Susan Battson
You can contact them on: 01454 868619
Mrs Roberts
Information and links for families
We understand that finding out your child has a special educational need or disability can be a worrying or upsetting experience for families. The first thing to remember is that you are not alone. As well as support from the school, there are lots of organisations on hand to advise and support you (often run by people who have been through similar experiences). There are also a range of excellent resources available online - please follow the links below to visit their sites and find out more.