Our teachers are Mr Maxted (2M) and Miss Johnstone (2J). Our teaching assistants are Mrs Hodges, Mrs Oujeil, Miss Szabo and Miss Herbert
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit. This should include warm clothes, trainers and their house colour t-shirt. No patterned T shirts or hoodies please. All items should be labelled.
Terms 1 and 2
During term 1 we will be using the text ''A Crow's Tale" by Naomi Howarth to support our writing.
In Term 2 we will be using the text "Little Red Reading Hood" by Lucy Rowland.
We will be continuing to follow 'The Write Stuff' style of writing this year. It is a highly modelled and supportive approach which suits all children as it is a 'no one gets left behind' approach whilst also providing challenge for those who need it.
These are the spellings for Term 2
If you are unsure on your child's group, please ask their teacher.
Please can you ensure your child has their reading book and reading record in school every day.
Our main objectives this year include:
Discuss meanings of new words.
Recognise language patterns.
Word Reading
Recognise alternative sounds - chew/shoe
Read accurately and fluently using
Read words containing -ment, -less, -ful,
-ness suffixes.
This term we will be focusing on the following skills:
- Place value
- Addition
- Subtraction
Practising these will help your child feel secure and confident in maths. If you would like more information about any of these, or some suggestions for activities to do at home, please get in touch with Mr Maxted or Miss Johnstone.
Important updates:
Monday 2nd September - INSET
Wednesday 4th September - meet the teacher at 3:45pm and 4:15pm
Friday 4th October - INSET
Parent Information
Click on the links below to find these documents:
Example comprehension questions
Home Learning
How you can help at home
We ask that you read with your child 5 times a week. This only needs to be a 10 minute session and you don’t have to finish a whole book every time. Please record any reads you have done with your child in their reading record as we will be continuing the reading bug challenge. Please note we will count a maximum of 7 reads a week. Your child will have their reading book changed each week and will be given a book matched to their phonic level. We are encouraging the children to become fluent readers so please read the same book several times until your child is able to read it fluently without having to decode words. Your child will also have one library session each week where they are able to choose a library book. The children have free choice with their library books. Reading does not have to be limited to the books children bring home from school. It can include any books they have at home, reads with siblings or reading books from the local library. |
The children will be continuing with maths planets this year and will carry on from their end point in Year 1. Please practise your child’s maths facts at least 3 times a week. If your child is stuck on a level for more than 4 weeks then we will intervene at school. To see example questions for each level please visit the maths curriculum section of our website. |
Your child should have the termly overview stuck in their homework books.
They will then be tested on these spellings each Friday. The tests will be stuck into their yellow homework books so you can see how they have got on. The spellings will contain the new sound patterns that we will be learning in class and are a way of reinforcing these spelling rules. Please practise at least 3 times each week with your child. |