School Meals at Wheatfield
Our school meals are cooked on-site every day by Educatering. A three week 'rolling menu' is published three times a year to keep the food choices varied and seasonal. Each day, children can choose from a meat, vegetarian or jacket potato main meal. they can also select a sandwich. There are also different puddings available each day.
School meals or packed lunch?
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 qualify for a free school meal every day. Families can choose not to take this meal and instead provide their child with a packed lunch. Children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) can choose whether to order a school meal (£2.45 per day) or bring in a packed lunch.
All school meals must be booked and paid for in advance. Meals can be ordered up until 9am on the day required. Please see below for more details.
How do I order and pay for a school meal for my child?
School meals must be ordered online using your Parentpay account. Click on the icon below to visit the ParentPay website. There is lots of help and guidance available and you can call the parent support service if you have any problems activating your account.
How does my child order their meal?
You will order your child's meal using your ParentPay account. You will see the menu for each day and select what your child might like to choose on that day.
The school kitchen will be aware of the options that children have ordered.
It is also very helpful for parents to remind children (especially our young children) which option they are having each morning. The office staff will be able to support children by reminding them of the choices for the day if necessary.
Free School Meals
Some families will qualify for free school meals and we would strongly encourage you to apply if you believe you are eligible (even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2). As well as your child receiving a free meal, the school also receives additional income (the Pupil Premium) to support your child's learning. Please speak with a member of our office team if you want to find out more. Call 01454 868610 to make an appointment.
The information below is taken from South Gloucestershire's website.
Healthy Lunch Boxes
If your child brings a packed lunch into school then we ask that it contains a healthy, nutritionally balanced selection of food items.
For more information about healthy lunchboxes, visit the 'Change 4 Life' website by clicking the icon above.
Wheatfield is a nut free school!
We have a number of children with severe nut allergies. Please do not include nuts (or nut based products) in your child's packed lunch. Thank you.