01454 868 610

Wheatfield Drive, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BS32 9DB

Welcome to Year One's Home Learning page!

Hello Sunshine! Posters and Prints | Posterlounge.co.uk

Good morning Year 1.

We are so sorry not all of us are in school today but here is where you will find the day's home learning if your child is feeling well enough.

Lots of love Mrs Midlane and Mrs Holbrow xxx

Below you will find today's home learning. There is a daily plan explaining the activities with everything you will need underneath. If you don't have a printer, please do not worry as you can just follow the templates as a guide.
Please email us or contact us via Tapestry- we LOVE seeing your photographs and videos!

Term 3 Home Learning

18.01.21 - School Closure

Hello Everyone - hope you are all well and keeping safe. 

Just to mention if your child had their book in school on Thursday (17th) this got changed very for half term :)


Can you look out the window and draw a picture of the weather. Write some sentences using your sounds about what you can see. 

'It is windy'. 'It is blowing the trees over'. 'The fence is wobbling in the wind.'


Please see the below the PDF of the u_e sound. If you are unsure on how to say this please see the videos on the Phonics page of our website to help. It is Phase 5.

Day 5 u_e.pdf


This week we have been learning all about length and height. We have been focusing on length for the later part of this week and would like you to have a go at this at home. 


Go on a hunt around your house.

Can you find something that is longer and shorter than a book?

Can you choose 5 items and put them in order from longest to shortest or shortest to longest?

Can you find two different things that are equal to one another?

Can you use pasta to measure some of these items. E.g. my book is 5 pieces of pasta long, my tablet is 7 pieces of pasta long - what is the difference?

If you have a 30 cm ruler you could measure things with this too. Just remember to start from 0 not the end of the ruler.


We stuck a fun and exciting project for you to do in their homework books. You could get started on this. Bonus extra day!

Our topic next term is The Great Fire of London. Your challenge is to create a model of a house in London in 1666. We will use these models to re-enact the disaster (the models will not make it home unfortunately) You may like to do some research and you can be as creative as you wish. Please send the models in wc 7.3.22.

Pictures attached in this document for inspiration :)

Tudor Houses.docx

Enjoy! Don't forget to post some pictures on tapestry of your learning today! We would love to see.


   Look after yourself too!

Have some time away from learning. Watch a film, play a board game or go in the garden for some fresh air! 

Image result for relaxing child picture clipart







See the source image



We can be contacted via Tapestry or by email:

Mrs Midlane - lindsey.midlane@wheatfieldprimary.com 

Mrs Holbrow-


Websites that may be useful:

- Busy Things has a range of interactive games that cover all areas of the curriculum. This can be accessed via computer/laptop or tablet. Children will be familiar with this website.


User name: home1294

Reading/ Phonics

 - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/



https://lettersandsounds.org.uk/for-home/year-1 (press summer and you will see the phase 5 sound videos to choose from).

Writing/ Spelling



