Hello! On this page you can find some more ideas for supporting your children while they are at home.
Don’t forget to look at your class page for more information and guidance on home learning and activities and remember that all the relevant targets are on your child's SEND action plan or EHCP.
Please do email photos of your child or their work to their teachers - you can find their email addresses on the relevant class home learning page.
Stay happy and healthy at home.
Mrs Imogen Roberts - Inclusion Manager (SENDCo)
Please click on the link to find a list of supportive contacts for safeguarding, health, parent support and emotional welfare
as well as information regarding food banks.
List of Local Support Services
If you need to speak to someone at school, Mrs Roberts (email above) and and Mrs Walsh, Family and Pupil Welfare Leader (
are currently in school every day (please see days below) and can also be contacted directly on 01454 868619.
Mon -Thurs Mrs Roberts and Mrs Walsh
Friday School is closed (both will access emails on this day)
NB These days may be subject to change.
Please click on the link below for information on Mental Heath support
WINSTON’S WISH Coronavirus related Bereavement materials for schools: How schools can support children and young people; How to tell a child or young person that someone has died from coronavirus; How to say goodbye when a funeral isn’t possible
GRIEF ENCOUNTER - Support for bereaved children and their families: and CRUSE:

All sessions are FREE
Webinar Presenters Include: Nova Associates, Jigsaw Thornbury, Barnardo’s, OTR, South Glos Parents and Carers, Creative Youth Network, Attention Seekers, Kooth, Diversity Trust, Westport, Ace Wellbeing,, Public Health Mental Health and Wellbeing Team, Local Schools, CAMHS
For more information and to book: Webinar Series | Mind you (
We look forward to seeing you there but if you have any questions please contact the Public Health Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Team at
NEW Mrs Poles does Frozen!
See below for an AMAZING snowman craft for all the family!
During a period of time when you are confined to the house, it is tricky to keep your body moving and your senses regulated.
Click below for some fun, everyday activities for all the family that can be easily set up at home.
See below for some LEGO activities where every member of the family has a role to play - builder, engineer, supplier, director!
Group Lego building can be a really useful way to engage children in social skills and developing language. See below instructions on what you will need and the rules of the build!
Keep your eye out here for Lego challenges!!! Send pictures of your models to your teachers!
NEW LEGO activity for Christmas 2020
This year, LEGO have pledged to donate a Lego set to a child in need for every festive model that is made and uploaded to social media with the hashtag #BuildToGive
See below short clip for instructions and ideas on what to build - the whole family could join in with this!
Have fun and #givealittlelove this Christmas x
Faber books have created a book about not being able to hug and how we can still show we love our friends (linked to their book called The Hug).
Actual book version is released in August and there is an e-book available.
Some children may be especially vulnerable at this time of uncertainty. This may include (but is not limited to) children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), children who are ‘Looked After’ and children who are deemed to be Children in Need. These children may need extra support to ensure that they maintain good levels of well-being.
Click on the link below for more information, support and further links
Please see below link to therapeutic creative activities for emotional well being. This website is focused on activities that parents/carers can easily do at home to support children to explore psycho-social-emotional subjects through creative activities; also giving parents 'permission' to take time to be playful with their children rather than feeling caught up in the anxiety of the many varying demands on our time at the moment.
Disasters and emergencies throw light on the world as it is.
Some thinkers who study disasters frame crises not just in terms of what is lost but also what might be gained – seeing glimmers of possibility.
Every disaster is different and it’s never just one or the other: loss and gain always coexist.
Rebecca Solnit (2009) used case studies of disasters to argue that emergencies aren’t just moments when bad things get worse, or when people inevitably become more scared, suspicious and self-centred.
Instead she described the ways in which disasters open up human reserves of improvisation, solidarity and resolve, pockets of purpose and joy, even in the midst of loss and pain.
Solnit’s book was not a call to celebrate disaster – but to pay attention to the possibilities it might contain.
Click on the link below to read a social story to explain what is happening as schools start to reopen
The Recovery Curriculum
Children returning to school following Lockdown may have experienced loss (routine, freedom, relationships, social interaction structure) and have lived through a collective trauma.
The intention of a Recovery Curriculum is to provide opportunities to rebuild relationships and a sense of community, space to re-establish a sense of self and to relearn behaviour for learning skills. The focus will be gently returning to some semblance of routine whilst enabling play, outdoor exploration and physical development.
Follow the links below for more information on WELLBEING
Click below to see Miss Durbin signing a song about feelings in Makaton
Have a go and teach yourself something new. Send your clips to your teachers.
This week's guest...Mrs Hodges with Martha the Giraffe
Book of PRACTICAL activities for you to do at home with your child.
See below.
Please see above information shared by our school Educational Psychologist for ideas to support your child at home
Please see below letter from the minister responsible for SEND Vicky Ford.
Any questions please feel free to email me.
Please see below letter from Hilary Smith Head of Education, Learning and Skills - South Gloucestershire
We are pleased to be able to inform you that
the Local Authority are producing home learning resources specifically to support pupils with SEND.
The aim is to give parents advice and support
through this site. Parents can find the home learning site at
This includes learning activities, but also information on how parents can support their child’s well-being and manage the situation at home.
They have included a special area
called SENsational learning to help parents support the needs of their child at home.
Please look out for the newsletters below for more information.
This Week's SENsational newsletter comes with activities that you could do at home.
Please see list below.
Previous SENsational Newsletters and activities below.
Name | |
SENsational Newsletter 4 10 Offline fun with 10 activites.pdf | Download |
SENsational Newsletter 4 A house full of maths resources.pdf | Download |
SENsational Newsletter 4 Supporting Your Child with Maths.pdf | Download |
SENsational Parent Newsletter 4 The Skys the Limit.pdf | Download |
SPACE-PLANETS Symbol Based Home Learning.pdf | Download |
Have a read of a social story together to help your child understand the situation.
Look at that one below and print it out if you need to.
Read this as often as you can (at least 1x day).
Your child may begin to be able to recite it with you.This will help them to attach a narrative to how they are feeling.
Love Reading have identified a list of books that can
support with helping children cope with anxiety.
Click on the link below to access this resource.
Wheatfield catches the reading bug
Look out for more stories and songs here... boys Roo and Jed introduce you to our pet tortoise Cruiser...
Miss Davey demonstrating how to make banana loaf.
Very Berry Smoothie...
You will need...berries, banana, yogurt, milk, blender
Mrs Hill with her son Cooper showing you how to do a rainbow science experiment!